Sarah W. Tracy, PhD :
The University of Oklahoma


Members of the University of Oklahoma Honors College Class “The Mediterranean Diet,” Spring 2019

Standing: Scott Ritzmann, Corbin Lee, Andrew Aston, Luis Longoria, Nathan McMillen, Cade Warnock, Jacob Genuise, Faith Morgan, Claire Funk, Joseph Schnitker, Skyler Bastow, Hannah Tully

Kneeling: Lauren Emerson, Sarah Tracy, Kara Brown, Sophie Guess, Cindy Belardo, Pranav Mohan

Sarah W. Tracy, Ph.D.

Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor 
Associate Professor of Honors and the History of Medicine
Director, Medical Humanities Program
Honors College
David L. Boren Hall
University of Oklahoma
1300 Asp Avenue
Norman, OK 73019-6061

Spring 2019

Andrew Aston

Andrew Aston is a public relations student at the University of Oklahoma. In his free time, he enjoys trying new foods and attempting to not burn the kitchen down when he cooks.

Skyler Bastow

Skyler Bastow is a junior accounting major and sociology minor from Duncan, Oklahoma. He actively pursues fitness and dietary health in his life, while looking to expand the horizons of other people and himself.

Cindy Belardo

Cindy Belardo is a senior undergraduate, environmental studies B.S. major from Edmond, Oklahoma. She is passionate about raising environmental consciousness and knows that our dietary choices play a significant role in our physical, mental, spiritual and environmental. 

Kara Brown

Kara Brown is a senior psychology major with a minor in sociology; she is from Sapulpa, Oklahoma. She is interested in the diet people eat in addition to exploring the ways diet, lifestyle, and community affect physical and mental health.

Lauren Emerson

Lauren Emerson is a freshman professional writing major and Spanish minor from Edmond, Oklahoma. She is excited to learn about food and health so that she can live a better and more fulfilling life.

Claire Funk

Claire Funk is a Nutritional Sciences major with minors in both Sociology and Spanish. She works for the OU Food Pantry and for a SNAP-Education Project.

Jacob Genuise

Jacob Genuise is a sophomore meteorology major from Little Elm, Texas with minors in sociology and math. His interests include advancing weather and natural science communication, promoting environmental conservation, and improving disaster preparedness efforts in a global context.

Sophie Guess

Sophie Guess is a freshman from Austin, Texas; she is pursuing a double degree in art history and finance. She is interested in modern art and culture and spends most of her free time watching TED talks.

Corbin Lee

Corbin Lee is a senior and a pre-medical chemical biosciences major; he is from Moore, Oklahoma. He has a passion for education, people, and food. 

Luis Longoria

Luis Longoria is a junior pre-medical biology major and Japanese and chemistry minor from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Luis has a strong interest in foreign languages and hopes to bridge culture and language gaps in our medical system.

Nathan McMillen

Nate McMillen is a freshman mechanical engineering major and international studies minor from Norman, Oklahoma. He believes in the importance of diverse interests and hopes to include cultural study with a STEM career in the future.

Pranav Mohan

Pranav Mohan, a senior in mechanical engineering is interested in learning about food to improve his wellbeing and health.

Faith Morgan

Faith Morgan is a junior creative media production major and communication minor from Edmond, Oklahoma.  She is currently starting her own video business and plans to travel the world doing videography and sharing her love of food.

Scott Ritzmann

Scott Ritzmann is a chemical engineering student from Galveston, TX. Most of his free time is spent studying, playing basketball, or hanging out with his roommates.

Joseph Schnitker

Joseph Schnitker is a pre-medical junior, double-majoring in biology and human health and biology and completing a minor in chemistry; he is from Cartwright, Oklahoma. Joseph is dedicated to studying natural science and human culture and how the two intersect, especially with regard to food and eating habits. He hopes to aid his future patients with a greater knowledge of science, culture, and healthy eating.

Hannah Tully

Hannah Tully is a senior pre-medical chemical biosciences major and medical humanities minor from Edmond, Oklahoma. She is passionate about health and medicine, and looks forward to helping her future patients live healthy lifestyles.

Cade Warnock

Cade Warnock is a freshman mechanical engineering major and business minor at the University of Oklahoma; he hails from Boise, Idaho. He enjoys making music and cross country running.

Fall 2019

Back (Left to Right): Jolie Morgan, August vonHartitzsch, Anusha Gopalam, Talin Propes, Sianna Raja, Landon Rosckes, Quinn Meyer, Srikar Kommareddy, Carter Sampson, Jules Philippe Sy, Ryan Cranna, Carley Huffaker, Melanie Michaud, Sarah Tracy

Front (Left to Right): Ana Gallart, Emma Shealy, Elyse Graham, Haley Lewsey, Megan Zucconi, Kylie Prys

About Us

Ryan Cranna

Ryan Cranna is a sophomore, double majoring in Biology and Math with plans to attend medical school after graduation. He is from Bentonville, Arkansas, and loves learning about the effects of economic status on diet across the globe.

Anna Gallart

Ana Gallart is a freshman double majoring in Economics and Math. She enjoys brush lettering and baking. After this class, she hopes to cook often and take long mealtimes in the near future!

Anusha Gopalam

Anusha Gopalam is a freshman pre-medical Biology major and a Medical Humanities minor from Marion, Iowa. She aspires to learn about food not only to improve her own health but also to encourage her future patients to lead healthier lifestyles.

Elyse Graham

Elyse Graham is a freshman pre-medical psychology major and medical humanities minor from Frisco, Texas. She is interested in studying the intersections between medicine and social sciences, and hopes to pursue a healthcare career which integrates the two.

Carley Huffaker

Carley Huffaker is a sophomore Information Science and Technology major from Bixby, OK. She enjoys reading, hiking and cooking. She took this class to gain insight on healthy eating and living practices.

Srikar Kommareddy

Srikar Kommareddy is a junior, biomedical engineering major with intentions of going to medical school after graduation. He is from St. Louis, Missouri. In his free time, he enjoys making and trying new foods as well as cooking for his roommates.  

Haley Lewsey

Haley Lewsey is a sophomore biology/pre-med major and Spanish and international studies minor from San Ramon, California. She loves cooking and eating food as well as learning about different cultures, and she is planning on studying abroad in Spain over the summer to do all of those things.

Quinn Meyer

Quinn Meyer is a pre-medical biochemistry sophomore with minors in Spanish and music from Derby, Kansas. In her free time, she enjoys playing the cello and spending time in nature. She is interested in exploring how diet impacts health and the environment.

Melanie Michaud

Melanie Michaud is a sophomore environmental sustainability major and public health minor from Norman, Oklahoma. She plans to attend law school after graduation to become an environmental lawyer. She’s interested in promoting sustainable living through diet and individual consumption choices.

Jolie Morgan

Jolie Morgan is a freshman economics major and Native American Studies minor from Tahlequah, Oklahoma. In her free time she enjoys exercising and cooking with friends.

Talin Propes

Talin Propes is a freshman marketing major from Edmond, Oklahoma. She is passionate about photography, leadership, food, and coffee. In her free time she enjoys watching hours of classic movies with the people she loves the most.

Kylie Prys

Kylie Prys is a freshman nursing major from Frisco, Texas. She is passionate about healthcare and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.

Sianna Raja

Sianna Raja is a freshman Biochemistry major on  a Pre-Med track and she is from Alma, AR. She loves to cook and try out new and exciting recipes. She hopes to take many things away from this class and use them in everyday life.

Landon Roskes

Landon Rosckes is a sophomore pre-medical chemical biosciences major from Argyle, Texas. He is dedicated to learning more about science and health and hopes to one day aid his future patients. He enjoys hanging out with friends, spending time outdoors, and serving in children’s ministry.

Carter Sampson

Carter is a sophomore Finance & Accounting student from Phoenix, Arizona. He is passionate about exploring new interests and has enjoyed approaching the Mediterranean Diet from a business perspective.

Emma Shealy

Emma Shealy is a freshman Creative Media production major from Bixby, Oklahoma. She has a passion for food and healthy living.

Jules Philippe Sy

Jules Philippe Sy is a sophomore majoring in Finance. Born and raised in the Philippines, he is passionate about developing synergies between finance and technology to create sustainable economic development. Jules kinda likes food, oxygen, and water.

August vonHartitzsch

August vonHartitzsch is a sophomore at OU from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is majoring in Advertising with minors in Chinese, French, and International Studies, and hopes to use her knowledge from this course when she lives on the Mediterranean one day. 

Megan Zucconi

Megan Zucconi is a freshman from Plano, Texas majoring in Finance and Sports Management. She enjoys learning about different foods and the role of food in culture!

To Be Continued... Spring 2020
